X/Y Plot

A simple PHP chart class


X/Y Plot is a simple PHP chart class for making X/Y graphs. It includes feature such as mean average and linear regression.

X/Y Plot requires PHP 5.0 or above, since the code is entirely object-oriented. PHP must be include with GD graphic library which is standard in most PHP distributions. It has been tested most recently with PHP 8.2 and runs without warnings.

The hope is that this graphing library will be easy enough to understand that someone having no prior experience can have it working within minutes.

Note from the author 2023

There is not a lot of development on this library owing to my shift away from server-side processing. There is a similar library based on this unit is available for client-side Javascript available at aqGraph.DrQue.net. However, this project has not been abandon.

A special thanks to those who have used this library and provided feedback.

Note from the author 2008

I wrote this library after trying to find a simple PHP graphing library with linear regression. Having found nothing free and already put together, I just decided to write a library myself. This isn't the first time I've written a graphing library for a project and I decided to make it a nice object-oriented setup. Once it was complete, I decided to explore phpDocumentor and release this library to the public. So here it is. This is my first attempt at creating an auto-documented set of code, so I hope it turns out useful. - AAQ


Version 1.4.1

Released December 18, 2023

XZ release 1.4.1
File size
File date
2023-12-18 08:26:58.837
Source SHA256
PGP signature
Source PGP signature
Zip release 1.4.1
File size
File date
2023-12-18 08:26:58.841
Source SHA256
PGP signature
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Show archived versions.

Version 1.4

Released May 29, 2014.

  • Added line thickness.
  • Addressed warnings and notices.
  • Changed function name to lower camel case and class name to upper camel case.
  • Spelling corrections.
BZip 2 release 1.4
File size
File date
2014-05-29 12:06:05.000
Source SHA256
Zip release 1.4
File size
File date
2014-05-29 12:05:11.000
Source SHA256

Version 1.0

Released January 2, 2008.

BZip 2 release 1.0
File size
File date
2008-01-02 04:37:04.000
Source SHA256
PGP signature
Source PGP signature
Zip release 1.0
File size
File date
2008-01-02 04:36:59.000
Source SHA256
PGP signature
Source PGP signature


Documentation is availabel on-line, generated by phpDocumentor.




// Include the X/Y Plot library
require_once( __DIR__ "/../vendor/xyPlot/xyPlot.php" );

$imageWidth     500;
$imageHeight    350;

   // Create image
$image = @imageCreate$imageWidth$imageHeight )
       or die( 
"Cannot Initialize new GD image stream" );

   // Create basic color map
$colorMap = array();

$colorMap"Background" ] = imageColorAllocate$image255255255 );
imageColorTransparent$image$colorMap"Background" ] );

// Create a standard color palette
$colorMap"Black"       ] = imageColorAllocate$image,   0,   0,   );
$colorMap"Red"         ] = imageColorAllocate$image192,   0,   );
$colorMap"Green"       ] = imageColorAllocate$image,   0192,   );
$colorMap"Blue"        ] = imageColorAllocate$image,   0,   0192 );
$colorMap"Brown"       ] = imageColorAllocate$image,  48,  48,   );
$colorMap"Cyan"        ] = imageColorAllocate$image,   0192192 );
$colorMap"Purple"      ] = imageColorAllocate$image192,   0192 );
$colorMap"LightGray"   ] = imageColorAllocate$image192192192 );

$colorMap"DarkGray"    ] = imageColorAllocate$image,  48,  48,  48 );
$colorMap"LightRed"    ] = imageColorAllocate$image255,   0,   );
$colorMap"LightGreen"  ] = imageColorAllocate$image,   0255,   );
$colorMap"LightBlue"   ] = imageColorAllocate$image,   0,   0255 );
$colorMap"Yellow"      ] = imageColorAllocate$image255255,   );
$colorMap"LightCyan"   ] = imageColorAllocate$image,   0255255 );
$colorMap"LightPurple" ] = imageColorAllocate$image255,   0255 );
$colorMap"White"       ] = imageColorAllocate$image255255255 );

// New plot
$xyPlot = new XY_Plot$image );


The typical location for X/Y Plot is in vendor/xyPlot. The use of __DIR__ assists in the path being relative to the current directory.

This is a convention the author uses, but if it doesn't suit your tastes, simply modify the PHP files XY_Plot.php and ClipLine.php with your preferred system.



Rendering a data set with points. Each data point is add with the function addData. This function takes two parameters: the X and Y location of a data point.

Before data can be rendered to a chart, a few basic parameters need to be set. The color of the points to be drawn which is done through the function setColor. The span of the data must also be set with the functions setX_Span and setY_Span.

// Draw borders (define externally)

// New plot
$xyPlot = new XY_Plot$image );

// Set plot colors
$xyPlot->setColor$colorMap"LightRed" ] );

// Set point size

// Setup timeframe
$xyPlot->setX_Span0150 );
$xyPlot->setY_Span010 );

// Add some data
$xyPlot->addData0);   $xyPlot->addData86);
$xyPlot->addData31);  $xyPlot->addData11);
$xyPlot->addData44);  $xyPlot->addData50);
$xyPlot->addData11);  $xyPlot->addData83);
$xyPlot->addData82);  $xyPlot->addData136);

// Render the points to image

// Output image
header"Content-Type: image/png" );
imagePNG$image );




Rendering a data set with lines between the points

// ...

   // Set plot colors
$xyPlot->setColor$colorMap"LightRed" ] );

// Add some data
// ...

   // Render the lines to image

// Output image
header"Content-Type: image/png" );
imagePNG$image );

Lines and points

Point and lines

Rendering with points and lines is as simple as calling both rendering functions. This is true of all rendering function. Remember order of operation—that is, the first rendered plot will end up on the bottom with subsequent plots over the top.

// ...

   // Render the points and lines to image

// Output image
header"Content-Type: image/png" );
imagePNG$image );

Linear regression

Point, lines and linear regression

Rendering a data set with points and linear regression. The only extra step here is setting the linear regression color using the function setLinearRegressionColor and then rendering this plot with renderLinearRegression.

// ...

   // Set linear regression color
$xyPlot->setLinearRegressionColor$colorMap"LightPurple" ] );

// Add some data
// ...

   // Render the points and lines to image

// Output image
header"Content-Type: image/png" );
imagePNG$image );


Mean average

Mean average

Rendering a data set with mean average. The only extra step here is setting the mean average color using the function setAverageColor and then rendering this plot with renderMeanPlot.

// ...

   // Set linear regression color
$xyPlot->setAverageColor$colorMap"LightPurple" ] );

// Render the points and lines to image

// Output image
header"Content-Type: image/png" );
imagePNG$image );




A chat doesn't have to take up the entire window. In fact, leaving margin space is needed if you are to put in labeled or a legend.

The function sizeWindow is designed to setup the area in which the chart occupies in an image.

// Margins
$topMargin         10;
$bottomMargin      10;
$leftMargin        10;
$rightMargin       100;

// Draw borders (define externally)
$rightMargin$bottomMargin );

// New plot
$xyPlot = new XY_Plot$image );

// Setup boundaries
$imageWidth $rightMargin$imageHeight $bottomMargin );

// ...

   // Render the points and lines to image

// Output image
header"Content-Type: image/png" );
imagePNG$image );


Multiple charts on an image

Multiple carts

For this example, multiple charts have been placed on a single image. This is a standard application of such a function—plotting the data followed by the first and second derivative of the data on a single image.

To draw multiple charts on a single image, two additional steps are needed. The first image is drawn as excepted, using sizeWindow to place the data in the correct location. After this, resetData is called to flush the data in the plot. Then, the window can be repositioned, new data added to the chart and the chart rendered to the image.

$rightMargin       10;

$topMargin         10;
$bottomMargin      70;

$topMargin2        115;
$bottomMargin2     40;

$topMargin3        145;
$bottomMargin3     10;

// New plot
$xyPlot = new XY_Plot$image );

// Setup boundaries
$imageWidth $rightMargin$imageHeight $bottomMargin );

// ... Add data ...

   // Render the points and lines to image

// Draw borders (define externally)
$rightMargin$bottomMargin2 );

// Setup boundaries
$imageWidth $rightMargin$imageHeight $bottomMargin2 );


// ... Add data ...

$xyPlot->AutoScaleY_MinMax1.0 );


// ... Add data ...

   // Draw borders (define externally)
$rightMargin$bottomMargin3 );

// Setup boundaries
$imageWidth $rightMargin$imageHeight $bottomMargin3 );

$xyPlot->AdjustMinMax1.0 );


// Output image
header"Content-Type: image/png" );
imagePNG$image );

Vertical auto scaling

Auto scale

Vertical auto scaling can be accomplished using autoScaleY_MinMax. This function will find the min and max Y values and scale the graph accordingly. adjustMinMax has one parameter, which is a rounding value. This can be described as "round to the nearest". For example, if the largest Y-value is 23 and the lowest 10 and the rounded value set to 10, the min will be 10 and max is 30. If the rounded value is 25, the min will be 0 and the max 25.

In this chart, 4 plots of the same data are made but with different vertical scales. On the top left, the chart is scaled with no rounding. Since the minimum value is -21 and the maximum 136, these values are at the edge. The charts are all labeled on intervals of 50. Thus, this chart has no labeled on the top or bottom, since those do not fall on even intervals.

The chart on the top right is auto scaled to the nearest 25. The the maximum value of 136 is therefore rounded up to 150 and the minimum value of -21 is rounded down to -25. The divisions are again labeled on intervals of 50. So the lowest interval is not labeled, since the chart begins at -25. The highest interval is 150, which does get labeled.

The chart on the bottom left is a more ideal setup. The auto scale is set to the nearest 50. This is ideal because the the labeled intervals are also in increments of 50. Thus, the chart is labeled evenly from top the bottom.

The chart on the bottom right has an auto scale set to the nearest 100. This leaves empty divisions above and below the chart, which may be desired in some situations (such as if linear regression) extends into these areas.

// ...

   // Setup timeframe
$xyPlot->setX_Span010 );

// Setup divisions
$xyPlot->setY_MajorDivisionScale50 );
$xyPlot->setY_MajorDivisionColor$colorMap"LightGray" ] );
$xyPlot->setY_MajorDivisionTextColor$colorMap"Black" ] );

// Graph 1
$rightMargin1$bottomMargin1 );

// Graph 2
$rightMargin2$bottomMargin2 );

// Graph 3
$rightMargin3$bottomMargin3 );

// Graph 4
$rightMargin4$bottomMargin4 );

// Output image
header"Content-Type: image/png" );
imagePNG$image );

// Draw graph at given scale
function draw(
$rightMargin$bottomMargin )

// Draw borders (define externally)
$rightMargin$bottomMargin );

// Setup boundaries
$imageWidth $rightMargin$imageHeight $bottomMargin );

// Rescale
$xyPlot->AutoScaleY_MinMax$scale );

// Draw divisions

// Render the points and lines to image


Distance gap

Distance gap

Sometimes the data for a chart will be missing chunks of data. Having a lines connect the points over the missing spans may not be desired. So the function setMaxX_Distance defines a maximum separations in X values before leaving a gap between two points. This helps to visually represent the fact there is missing data.

// ...

   // Add some data
$xyPlot->addData26 );
$xyPlot->addData59  );
$xyPlot->addData5   );
$xyPlot->addData8   );
$xyPlot->addData0   );
$xyPlot->addData27  );
$xyPlot->addData80  );
$xyPlot->addData50  );
$xyPlot->addData50  );
$xyPlot->addData10134 );
$xyPlot->addData1184  );
$xyPlot->addData12123 );
$xyPlot->addData13110 );
$xyPlot->addData14158 );
$xyPlot->addData15159 );
$xyPlot->addData16122 );
$xyPlot->addData17170 );
$xyPlot->addData18139 );
$xyPlot->addData19218 );
$xyPlot->addData20208 );
$xyPlot->addData21249 );
// Gap in data
$xyPlot->addData33319 );
$xyPlot->addData34382 );
$xyPlot->addData35374 );
$xyPlot->addData36378 );
$xyPlot->addData37344 );
$xyPlot->addData38354 );
$xyPlot->addData39412 );
$xyPlot->addData40442 );
$xyPlot->addData41390 );
$xyPlot->addData42465 );
$xyPlot->addData43460 );
$xyPlot->addData44488 );
$xyPlot->addData45484 );
$xyPlot->addData46476 );
$xyPlot->addData47514 );
$xyPlot->addData48522 );

// Auto scale
$xyPlot->AdjustMinMax20 );

// Max distance of 10 units
$xyPlot->setMaxX_Distance10 );

// Render the points and lines to image

// Output image
header"Content-Type: image/png" );
imagePNG$image );


Basic grids

Basic grids

There are four grids: vertical major, vertical minor, horizontal major and horizontal minor. The only difference between major and minor grids are that minor grids do not have an extension past the margin or labeled.

Each of the major and minor grids have some common attributes: scale and color. The methods are as follows:

Major divisions have some additional functionality for labeled. Division extensions, label color, and label text callbacks. Division extension is the term for the number of pixels past the right margin the line extends. This helps denote that the label belongs to the line. The label text callback is a function to format the label. These will be explained latter.

This example shows how to setup a basic grid with labeled. Major and minor grid lines are drawn.

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Advanced Grids

Advanced grids

In this example, grids are drawn with custom callback functions for both the vertical and horizontal scales. In addition, a custom increment function is used on the horizontal scale to increment the scale by months. The data for the horizontal scale is in seconds, and naturally, the seconds/month depends on the days in the month.

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Additional data


This example shows the various statistics that can be generated from the data.

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Multiple graphs

Multiple graphs

Several graphs can be drawn in the same chat area. This is done by simply calling resetData and adding new data to be plotted. The one drawback is the chart must have it's scale pre-calculated.

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The graphing library has build into it clipping functions. Data that extends beyond the margins is simply chopped off.

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User comments

Feel free to leave some feedback. A subset of Markdown is supported.

Opinions are not censored, but all advertisements will unceremoniously be deleted.


X/Y Plot is free, open-source software released under the GNU General Public License v3.


X/Y Plot is written and maintained by Andrew Que. To get in touch with Andrew Que, visit his contact page.